On the afternoon of June 5, the Party School of the BAIC Motor Corporation held the first 2018“BAIC Class”. Vice President Xu Changming was invited to deliver a lecture on “Trends of automobile industry under influence of industrialization, informatization,urbanization and agricultural modernization”. More than800 staffof the BAIC Group attended the training. They were from more than 20 companies covering different business sectors, including departments of the headquarters, and the BAIC-ownedbrands, joint ventures, new energy vehicles, auto parts, service and trade, industrial finance, global business, general aviation, travel service as well as reform and adjustment. Besides, managersand stafffrom Fujian Benz Corporation, BAIC Company at Guangzhou, Changhe Automobile Corporation, Zhenjiang BAIC andthe South Chinabranch participated in the training via video.
Combiningyears of industryresearch and experiences, Vice President Xu Changming analyzed the trends of automobile industry under the new circumstances, throughthe developing trends of automobile market, competitive pattern and self-ownedbrand, new energy vehicles and Intelligent Connected Vehicle, a total of four aspects. After an integrated consideration of the strengths of the BAIC and the current trends of the industry, he also offered specific suggestions on the R&D management system of BAICself-ownedbrands, the manufacturing, purchasing and institutional mechanisms.
With all seats taken, the lecture was well-received by the BAIC Headquarters and also its affiliated enterprises. Many managersand staffsaid the lecture given by Vice President Xu Changming deepened their understanding onthe developing trends of the automobile industry facing the challenges of industrialization, informatization, urbanization and agricultural modernization and strengthened their confidence in carrying out the “Collectivization 2.0” strategy and achieving high-quality development of BAIC Group.