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The SIC Informatization and Industry Development Department signs strategic cooperation agreement with the GAC R&D Center
Source:Department of Informatization and Industry Development Date:2018-07-09

On the morning of July 5, 2018, the Department of Informatization and Industry Development and the GAC R&D Center signed the strategic cooperation agreement in Guangzhou. Under the agreement, the two parties will conduct in-depth cooperation in researches on automobile consumers, product definition and market trends.



Mr. Xu Changming, the Vice President of the SIC and Mr. Wang Qiujing, the President of the GAC R&D Center both attended the signing ceremony. On behalf of the two parties respectively, the Deputy Director of the SIC Informatization and Industry Development Department, Huang Luming, and the Vice President of the GAC R&D Center, Zhang Fan, signed the agreement. The ceremony was presided over by the Director of the Marketing Department of the GAC R&D Center, Lan Bo.

According to Vice President Xu Changming, the cooperation between the two parties is of great significance, in that their researches on the automobile market and the automobile industry bear similar directions and both of them hold a rigorous and conscientious attitude towards research along with solid and reliable research capability. Thus, the strategic cooperation will entail development for both two parties. He also provided constructive suggestions on making benchmark models, the performance of current GAC products and the strategies for GAC’s future development.

President Wang extended his gratitude to the SIC for its support in recent years for GAC R&D Center in conducting industry, market and product researches. He said the Center attaches great importance to the strategic cooperation with the SIC and hopes that via this strategic agreement, more frequent, broader and more in-depth collaboration could be established.

Related staff of the Informatization and Industry Development Department of the SIC also attended the signing ceremony.