Hosted by the China Information Industry Trade Association, the Second Digital Government Building Conference was held in Beijing on October 15th. Vice President Zhou Min was invited to made a theme report named“Focusing on data sharing and open to promote the high-quality digital government development”.
Hosted by the China Information Industry Trade Association, the Second Digital Government Building Conference was held in Beijing on October 15th. Vice President Zhou Min was invited to made a theme report named“Focusing on data sharing and open to promote the high-quality digital government development”.
Zhou Min stressed it is a complex and systematic work to promote the digital government development. Five integration shall be done for the high-quality developmen tof e-government, first, integration of networks for data sharing, second, technology integration for building an integrated data center system, third, data integration for building the multiple data resource system, forth, business integration for a collaborated application system, fifth, cooperation between governments and enterprizes for digital transformation.